Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of, a revolutionary document management platform. Doconut, an innovative library in document visualization, takes center stage in this exciting journey.

Driving the Evolution of

From its inception, aims to provide a seamless online document viewing experience. As the platform progresses, Doconut’s robust libraries seamlessly integrate, taking beyond its initial vision. played a crucial role in enhancing the capabilities of, offering unparalleled features in document visualization. This collaboration not only strengthened the platform but also led to the realization that it had outgrown its original name. now stands as a testament to its commitment to providing a comprehensive, efficient, and constantly evolving document environment, thanks to the advanced libraries of Doconut.’s advanced libraries

The term “Doconut” encapsulates the joint commitment to offering a dynamic and complete solution for document management. Thank you for being a part of this notable evolution, and we look forward to providing you with a document viewing platform that merges innovation and efficiency.