Doconut can run in Docker containers (both Windows and Linux). Using the .NET core version of Doconut library you can easily spin up a new container instance of document viewer. This it is very easy to run Doconut in a Linux environment (server, VPS) or a Linux container.

Using document viewer within Docker can help in scaling the application as per user traffic. This can help implement load balancing for your app. Additionally using our Asp.Net Core document viewer in Linux, you can save server license costs too!

When installing on a Linux machine, add SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.Linux package to the project. Install several native dependencies for SkiaSharp and Gdip, libfontconfig1, libgdiplus, libc6-dev. In the same way you need to ensure above libraries are available in Docker also. Please refer Doconut documentation for more details.

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